About Us

To give you an insight into who’s behind Ostejo and what to expect from us, we’ve summarized all the essential information for you in the following posts.

Jochen Ganzmann & ostejo

One has been around for a long time, the other brand new. Who Jochen Ganzmann is and why he founded ostejo, you will find out here.

Dominique Ducommun

Dominique Meier

As the second therapist, Dominique Meier has been part of the ostejo team since October 2020.


Johann Galler

With Johann Galler joining in early 2024, the ostejo team expands to four therapists.

Drei Personen in passenden blauen Hemden stehen lächelnd vor einem lebendigen, abstrakten Hintergrund mit überlappenden Kreisen in Blau-, Grün- und Orangetönen. Das Trio strahlt eine freundliche und lockere Atmosphäre aus, die an Fachleute erinnert, die in der Physiotherapie oder osteopathischen Therapie zusammenarbeiten.

Our Philosophy

If there’s one thing that has become clear to us as therapists in our time, it’s that by nature, humans are healthy, strong, and resilient.

Treatment Procedure

Whether it’s your first time at ostejo for treatment or you simply want to know how a session unfolds, we’ve summarized the key points for you below..