
manuelle Therapie bei ostejo

The osteopath examines the patient for functional movement restrictions that may be related to the complaints and tries to correct them manually. For this purpose, he makes use of the practical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, neurology and pathology

The aim is to eliminate the cause of the complaints with the help of mobilizations, manipulations and muscle techniques.

It is important that an osteopath tries to activate the self-healing powers of the body.

It is important that an osteopath tries to activate the self-healing powers of the body. Osteopathy is based on a specific model of thinking which contains 4 basic principles:

“Finding health should be the goal of a doctor,
anyone can find disease.”

Sir Andrew Taylor Still, MD

interaction between structure and form

A structural change in or on the body results in an influence on its function. A malfunction, however, will cause structural damage in the long run. An example: a painful tendon will no longer be loaded, and the quality of the tissue will deteriorate during the renewal process. The function forms the structure. If the tendon tears, no more force can be transmitted. Accordingly, the structure governs the function.

If there are functional problems, these are not necessarily seen in conventional medical procedures because the structure is still intact. core/paragraph Erst über den Faktor Zeit kann es zu strukturellen Problemen kommen, welche auch in der Schulmedizin sichtbar werden. Only over time factor can structural problems arise, which also become visible in conventional medicine.

The law of the artery

For the body to function optimally, it is important that required nutrients are transported into the tissues and waste products are removed. Only then is the tissue optimally supplied and can renew itself well. It is also important that not only nutrients but also information carriers are passed on through the blood, such as hormones.

The self-healing

The body is so ingenious that it always tries to help itself. Chronic overload on different levels leads to a reduction of these self-healing powers. Therefore, sometimes small triggers or pathogens can make the body unable to compensate. It responds with pain. The goal of every therapeutic session is therefore to ensure that the body has sufficient compensation possibilities. Of course, it should be pointed out that osteopathy definitely has its limits when it comes to support and that cooperation with the orthodox medical doctor is indispensable.

The body as a unit

In our body everything is connected with everything. Despite this holistic view – the whole is more than the sum of its parts – osteopathy attaches great importance to three systems.

  • Parietal system (joints, muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons…)
  • Visceral system (organs)
  • Craniosacral system (cranio-sacral bone, meninges)

If the dynamic equilibrium (homeostasis) of the systems is disturbed, there can be no optimal function. Therefore, problems do not have to occur at the place where they were created.

Who benefits from osteopathy?

New courses of study, such as pediatric osteopathy, prove that it can never be too early for osteopathy. But osteopathy is also useful at an advanced age. Here is an incomplete list of indications:

Complaints of the musculoskeletal system
Lumbago, back pain, slipped disc, sciatica, whiplash, headache, arthritis, accidents and sports injuries, tennis elbow

Complaints of the digestive tract
Stomach pain, reflux, indigestion, problems with bowel movement, nausea

Dysfunction of the neurovegetative system
S Dizziness, visual problems, migraine

Functional disorders of the pelvic floor, the urogenital tract and the gynecological area
Menstrual problems, urinary/bubble problems

Criticism of osteopathy

Osteopathy must also face up to critical expressions. There are critical voices that it lacks quality control and scientific foundation. For example, it is certainly questionable whether all diseases can be treated purely passively by hand.

However, a fundamental approach of osteopathy has retained its validity and justification to this day:

«Life is movement»

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